What we do
Miranda offers an extensive range of legal services addressing the international and local needs of clients.
Areas of practice
Miranda offers an extensive range of legal services addressing the international and local needs of clients. See the depth of our expertise.
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Knowing the law is one thing, understanding how your business and industry operates and the challenges ahead in practical terms is critical. Our industry experts can help you.
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International Standards, Local Knowledge
With lawyers in jurisdictions spread across continents, the Miranda Alliance aims to offer clients a combination of truly international skills and expertise with unparalleled local knowledge and counseling.
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Miranda Direct
2024.07.27 (Portuguese Version Only)
Quando é que a descida no IRS vai chegar ao bolso dos portugueses?
2022.11.04 (Portuguese Version Only)
"Web Summit - Jovens empresários dos PALOP presentes na maior feira tecnológica"
2022.02.27 (Portuguese Version Only)
Nuno Antunes - "Que variáveis estão a influenciar a subida do preço dos combustíveis?" - SIC Notícias
2021.11.12 (Portuguese Version Only)
"Ainda não está definido estatuto de migrantes resgatados ao largo do Algarve"