Angola | 2021.04.13
COVID 19: Newly Updated Public Calamity Measures

New public calamity measures were enacted by Presidential Decree No. 82/21, of 9 April 2021, which shall be in force until 10 May 2021 at 23h59.

This statute amends and updates the rules established by Presidential Decree No. 77/21, of 26 March 2021, on the prevention and control of SARS-COV-2 virus and COVID-19 and the functioning of public and private services, social equipment and economic activities during the period of public calamity.

In order to prevent mass infection and to preserve the health of all who have contact with this people, it is especially recommended to immunize, through the available vaccination means, the professionals from the Health and Educational Sectors, the Defense and Security Sectors and other professionals considered by the health authorities. Vaccination must be promoted by the institutions employing the aforementioned professionals.

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